Boehner Voted
NO to equal pay for women
NO on Wall Street regulatory reform
NO on minimum wage increases
NO on children's health insurance
NO on Reinvestment and Recovery Act
NO on unemployment compensation
NO on Pay-As-You-Go law
NO on Farm Bill of 2007
NO extend health care to the poor
NO to credit card regulations
YES on bank bailout without accountability
YES on tax cuts for wealthiest Americans
YES to disastrous Wall Street deregulation
YES to massive campaign contributions from
Wall Street to block regulatory reform
YES to protect health insurance companies
from essential anti-trust regulation
John Boehner Out of Touch Representation
John Boehner lives in a gated country club, isolated from middle-class citizens and their daily struggles.
He hosted 119 golf outings in 2009 while his constituents struggled to keep their homes, keep their jobs and keep their families together under the crushing weight of a global economic recession.
Instead of defending the voters in his district, John Boehner promised his Wall Street donors he would stand in the way of reforms and consumer protections in exchange for campaign contributions.
2011 Debt Ceiling Debate
During the "Debt Ceiling Debate" John Boehner held Americans hostage to the whims of the Republican party demanding spending cuts or letting America default on our National Debt.
The nation's mounting debt is largely attributable to wars, a recession and tax policies President Obama inherited from his predecessor. Worse still, the Ryan 2012 budget proposal backed by almost every Republican in both houses of Congress would not only drain another $4 trillion in tax revenue from the Treasury, but fail all of the spending and balanced budget targets they themselves propose. Nevertheless, Republicans who voted seven times to double the debt ceiling under George W. Bush would risk the national economic suicide they admit would come to pass if their demands are not met.
It is time to put John Boehner on the roles of the "Unemployed".
Vote NO on John Boehner