Defeating John Boehner in 2012 is Priority #1

As a concerned American I have questioned the direction the Democratic party has taken in the 2012 elections.

I specifically want to know why the DNC, DCCC and Team Obama have not made unseating Representative John Boehner a #1 2012 election priority?

They had a good candidate in 2010 but did not back him.

Ohiodailyblog conversation w/ Justin Coussoule

What is wrong with you people? Are you stuck on stupid?

John Boehner is the General of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives. He needs to be defeated in 2012.

A national contribution campaign needs to be started to support the Democratic candidate running against John Boehner. A $5 donation is all that is required from every person on your mailing list.

Let's defeat all of the Republicans this November starting with John Boehner.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Seniors "Strap on your work boots".

"He tells seniors to strap on their work boots for an extra five years of labor before they can retire at 70 years of age."

Yet 'John' can retire with full benefits and a $24 million cut from American's Social Security so he and his colleague's medical records can be digitized /computerized. His $Retirement will be a hefty 80% of the highest 3yrs salary.

Voted himself a raise 0f $3400 in 2004.

Speaker of the House: Annual Base Salary: $223,500

John Boehner "Let them eat cake"

Congressman John Boehner; Rebuked-- Once Again
For Immediate Release: July 1, 2010
Contact: David P. Little 513.477.2651
Coussoule Communications Director

Once again, we must ask…where do you start with John Boehner since he finds it impossible to open his mouth without uttering nonsense or offending millions of Americans? In recent days he has defended BP, derided unemployed workers while denying them essential benefits and this week he tells seniors to strap on their work boots for an extra five years of labor before they can retire at 70 years of age. Maybe he can hire a few of our senior citizens as caddies for himself and his lobbyist friends--- thereby assuring them of at least 119 days of work annually at luxurious locations in exotic locales and-- best of all-- it’s on the corporate tab.

John Boehner votes NO on Americans

07/22/2010Unemployment Benefits Extension and Tax Law Amendments
HR 4213
NConcurrence Vote Passed - House
(272 - 152)
07/21/2010Tariff Modifications
HR 4380
NBill Passed - House
(378 - 43)
07/15/2010Flood Insurance Program Extension
HR 5114
NBill Passed - House
(329 - 90)
06/30/2010Regulation and Oversight of the United States Financial System
HR 4173
NConference Report Adopted - House
(237 - 192)
04/15/2010Unemployment Benefits Extension
HR 4851
NVConcurrence Vote Passed - House
(289 - 112)
12/11/2009Regulation and Oversight of the United States Financial System
HR 4173
NBill Passed - House
(223 - 202)
11/19/2009Revising Medicare Physician Fee Schedules and Reinstatement of PAYGO
HR 3961
NBill Passed - House
(243 - 183)

John Boehner voted NO on HR 2997

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agency Appropriations Fiscal Year 2009-2010

Representative Boehner voted NO
Read statements Representative Boehner made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to adopt a conference report that makes appropriations for fiscal year 2009-2010 to agriculture programs, rural development programs, the Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies.


-Appropriates $126.46 billion for agriculture, rural development, the Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies for fiscal year 2009-2010, including the following allocations (Title I-VI):
    -$82.78 billion to Domestic Food programs;
    -$24.57 billion to Rural Development programs;
    -$12.54 billion to Agriculture programs;
    -$3.25 billion to the Food and Drug Administration;
    -$2.09 billion to the Foreign Agricultural Service; and
    -$1.01 billion to Conservation programs.
-Appropriates $350 million for dairy producer aid, $60 million of which shall go to the purchase of cheese and other dairy products and $290 million of which shall go to the assistance of dairy and other livestock producers that incur economic losses in connection with dairy and other livestock production (Title VII Sec. 748).

-Appropriates $4 million to the Secretary of Agriculture for grants for programs that develop and field test food products that are "designed to improve the nutritional delivery of humanitarian food assistance" (Title VII Sec. 724).

-Appropriates $3 million to the Hunger Fellowship Program, a program designed to encourage leadership in humanitarian service, to provide training and development opportunities for such leaders, and to increase awareness of the importance of public service (Title VII Sec. 727).

-Resolves that combat pay will not be considered income when determining eligibility for free or reduced school lunches for the children of members of the United States Armed Forces, nor for military eligible to apply for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Children, and Infants (Title VII Sec. 734).

-Prohibits the use of funds to provide first class travel to employees of agencies that receive funding under this Act (Title VII Sec. 736).

-Prohibits the use of funds to establish or implement rules allowing the importation of poultry products from the People's Republic of China, unless the Secretary of Agriculture takes specified steps including conducting audits of inspection systems and on-site reviews of Chinese poultry processing facilities before certifying any such products as eligible for importation (Title VII, Sec. 743).

-Resolves that any household with at least 1 eligible child receiving assistance under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act will continue to receive assistance from a state agency plan approved by the Department of Agriculture if the child's school is closed for more than five consecutive days due to a pandemic emergency (Title VII, Sec. 746).

Link to Legislation:

House Passage: 07/09/2009 : Bill Passed 266 - 160 (Roll no. 510)

Senate Passage With Amendment: 08/04/2009 : Bill Passed 80 - 17 (Record Vote Number 261)

House Conference Report Vote: 10/07/2009 : Conference Report Adopted 263 - 162 (Roll no. 761)

Senate Conference Report Vote: 10/08/2009 : Conference Report Adopted: 76 - 22 (Record Vote Number 318)

President Passage: 10/21/2009 : Signed Became Public Law Number 111-80

Rep. DeLauro, Rosa (D-CT)

Boehner Votes NO!!

Boehner Voted

NO to equal pay for women

NO on Wall Street regulatory reform

NO on minimum wage increases

NO on children's health insurance

NO on Reinvestment and Recovery Act

NO on unemployment compensation

NO on Pay-As-You-Go law

NO on Farm Bill of 2007

NO extend health care to the poor

NO to credit card regulations

YES on bank bailout without accountability

YES on tax cuts for wealthiest Americans

YES to disastrous Wall Street deregulation

YES to massive campaign contributions from
Wall Street to block regulatory reform

YES to protect health insurance companies
from essential anti-trust regulation


John Boehner Out of Touch Representation

John Boehner lives in a gated country club, isolated from middle-class citizens and their daily struggles.

He hosted 119 golf outings in 2009 while his constituents struggled to keep their homes, keep their jobs and keep their families together under the crushing weight of a global economic recession.

Instead of defending the voters in his district, John Boehner promised his Wall Street donors he would stand in the way of reforms and consumer protections in exchange for campaign contributions.

2011 Debt Ceiling Debate

During the "Debt Ceiling Debate" John Boehner held Americans hostage to the whims of the Republican party demanding spending cuts or letting America default on our National Debt.

The nation's mounting debt is largely attributable to wars, a recession and tax policies President Obama inherited from his predecessor. Worse still, the Ryan 2012 budget proposal backed by almost every Republican in both houses of Congress would not only drain another $4 trillion in tax revenue from the Treasury, but fail all of the spending and balanced budget targets they themselves propose. Nevertheless, Republicans who voted seven times to double the debt ceiling under George W. Bush would risk the national economic suicide they admit would come to pass if their demands are not met.

It is time to put John Boehner on the roles of the "Unemployed".

Vote NO on John Boehner

Thursday, July 1, 2010

From the land of "Bring a chicken to the Dr."

John Boehner wants to raise the retirement age to 70.

I'm wondering why the good people of Ohio want to keep this guy as their Representative.

Eric Cantor wants to 'offset' the aid for Hurricane Irene with spending cuts.

Congress raised the debt limit 87 times since WW2 without any spending cuts.

Paul Ryan wants to eliminate Medicare and Social Security.

Rick Perry thinks Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.

Michelle Bachmann believes God sent Hurricane Irene up the East coast so that Congress would cut spending.

The crazies from the funny farm out broken.