Defeating John Boehner in 2012 is Priority #1

As a concerned American I have questioned the direction the Democratic party has taken in the 2012 elections.

I specifically want to know why the DNC, DCCC and Team Obama have not made unseating Representative John Boehner a #1 2012 election priority?

They had a good candidate in 2010 but did not back him.

Ohiodailyblog conversation w/ Justin Coussoule

What is wrong with you people? Are you stuck on stupid?

John Boehner is the General of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives. He needs to be defeated in 2012.

A national contribution campaign needs to be started to support the Democratic candidate running against John Boehner. A $5 donation is all that is required from every person on your mailing list.

Let's defeat all of the Republicans this November starting with John Boehner.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Seniors "Strap on your work boots".

"He tells seniors to strap on their work boots for an extra five years of labor before they can retire at 70 years of age."

Yet 'John' can retire with full benefits and a $24 million cut from American's Social Security so he and his colleague's medical records can be digitized /computerized. His $Retirement will be a hefty 80% of the highest 3yrs salary.

Voted himself a raise 0f $3400 in 2004.

Speaker of the House: Annual Base Salary: $223,500

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